NJ Library Association announces Incoming President, Highland Park Library Director

The signature event of the New Jersey Library Association is their Annual Spring Conference, which took place this past June 3 and 4, attracting over 600 librarians, library workers, Trustees, Friends, students and vendors to an all-virtual platform for the first time in the Association’s 130-year history. And this year, Highland Park Public Library staff participated in a big way!
HPPL Director Kate Jaggers was formally introduced as the NJLA President, with her single-year term beginning at the start of the fiscal year on July 1, 2021. In her installation speech during the President’s Welcome program on June 3, Kate shared little-known details of some of NJLA’s traditions and history, and shared her vision for the Association’s future. Her 2021-22 Presidential theme “Embracing Opportunity” highlights engagement, mentorship, and inclusion.
Kate extends her gratitude to outgoing NJLA President Jen Schureman Brenner, retired Executive Director Pat Tumulty, and current Executive Director Juliet Machie, as well as HPPL Board President Helen Rovner for their professional support and encouragement. She says, “I couldn’t possibly take on the roles in leadership that I have–especially at this time–without the guidance of those who came before, including NJLA’s long history of strong Past Presidents, and the support of my Board of Trustees and Highland Park Library staff. I’m also lucky that my husband and four-year-old allow me so much freedom to stretch my librarian wings!”
Kate Jaggers sat on the NJLA Executive Board for the past eight years, as Member at Large, Secretary, and most recently Vice President/President-Elect. Since becoming an active member in 2005, her involvement in NJLA has included a wide variety of committee work, multiple years chairing the Annual Conference, and leadership in the Young Adult Services Section.
Part-time Librarian Jennifer Larsen is the incoming President of the Readers Advisory Section of NJLA, and Youth Services Librarian Karen Jarzabski is also taking on a leadership role for the 2021-22 year as Member-at-Large for the Children’s Services Section. (Karen has previously held a seat on the Young Adult Services Section Executive Board as well.) And Valeri Drach Weidmann, Circulation Coordinator, was a first-time presenter as part of a panel highlighting “Community, Clubs, & COVID” on June 3 at this year’s Conference.
Established in 1890, NJLA (www.njla.org) is the oldest and largest library organization in New Jersey. NJLA advocates for the advancement of library services for the residents of NJ, provides continuing education and networking opportunities for library workers, and supports the principles of intellectual freedom and promotes access to library materials for all.