Support the Library
Be an Advocate and Speak up!
Let people know that libraries benefit the whole community.
Your neighbors, students, teachers, parents, small children, senior citizens, new borough residents and new Americans all use the library.
They attend programs to learn and meet their neighbors, and read to learn about healthcare, health problems, recycling, green building, poetry, managing finances, retirement planning, business ownership, career planning, parenting, education costs, world cultures, new languages, gardening, house painting, U.S. citizenship and on and on…..
For many people with no computers or Internet access at home, the Library is the only place that they are welcome to use the Internet for free to research, study, look for work, apply for jobs, communicate with their government, and use email.
Here’s how you can support your library:
- Encourage your friends and neighbors to become library advocates.
- Let the Mayor and Borough Council know how important the Library is to you, your family, and the community… and that it needs budget support.
- Let your political representatives on the county, state and federal level know that Library support is an important asset that needs to be on their agendas.