
Contact us and let us help you! Our librarians are available during business hours to answer your questions by phone at (732) 572-2750. You can email readers’ advisory or reference inquiries at

  • Next Chapter Book Club: Adults and older teens with intellectual or developmental disabilities meet weekly to read and talk about books in a casual, enjoyable group.
  • Exam Proctoring: Taking an online course or need a professional certification proctored.  Contact us for your proctoring services needs.
  • One-to-One Sessions: Need extra help with your computer questions.  Sign up for a session with the Adult Services Coordinator.
  • Talking Book and Braille Center:  Librarians at the library have been trained to offer assistance with audiobook downloads from the Braille and Audio Reading Database (BARD) for patrons who have been certified as eligible for these services through The Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC) of the New Jersey State Library.    The TBBC offers library services to New Jersey Residents of all ages—children, teens, and adults—whose ability to read may be affected by a physical impairment, a reading disability, or a vision impairment.

Online Resources

  • Computer Skills

    Video courses to learn popular software and computer basics.

    See also NorthStar database

  • Consumer Reports

    Access full text articles from this perennially popular consumer review publication. Find ratings on hundreds of products, from dishwashers to automobiles. Limit the publication title to Consumer Reports to search.


    Search EbscoHost for a wide variety of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles, pamphlets, and more on health, business, academic, and recreational topics. This is a great resource for homework, research, and many areas of interest. Use this link to search all of the library’s EbscoHost subscriptions all at once!

  • eLibraryNJ

    Download free eBooks and eAudiobooks on your mobile device or computer

  • HeritageQuest

    A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids, with coverage dating back to the 1700s. Use your HPPL library card to access this database from home.

  • Legal Information Center

    Providing exclusive online full text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Source contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest and most-respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.

  • Merck Manuals

    Trusted and reliable medical information, with symptoms, diagnoses, and tools.

    También disponible en español. Pregúntenos cómo cambiar el idioma del sitio.

  • Newspaper Sources

    Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.

  • New York Times

    Access to the New York Times online from within the library.

  • New York Times - 72 hour home access pass

    Access New York Times from home with this 72 hour home access pass. You must create an account before you can access NYT from home.


    Digital literacy means having the skills you need to perform tasks on computers and online.

    Northstar Digital Literacy is a program that helps you test your skills and learn new ones at your own pace.

  • Novelist

    Fiction for all ages by author, title, plot, series. Discussion guides for study and reading groups.

  • Novelist K-8

    NoveList K-8 is your solution for integrating fiction across the curriculum. With a fun and intuitive interface, and extensive proprietary content, NoveList K-8 will be the resource you and your young readers turn to when looking for the next book to read.

  • Peterson's Test and Career Center

    Access practice exams, in-depth career assessments, information on higher
    education programs, resumé and cover letter building tools, and more

  • Reference Solutions

    Reference Solutions is a powerful online reference and research tool providing library cardholders instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on U.S. businesses (59 million) and U.S. residents (310 milliion).

    Reference Solutions makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more.

  • Referencia Latina

    Referencia Latina: Extensa base de datos en español. Contiene diversidad de recursos en temas como Ciencia y Tecnología e Inmigración. Más de 49,000 artículos de enciclopedia

    Referencia Latina, a comprehensive Spanish-language database, offers content from a variety of sources including 49,000 encyclopedia entries.

  • New Jersey Driving Test - Practice

    Free practice tests for the New Jersey driving exam.

  • New Jersey Career Assistance

    The New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator (NJCAN) is an Internet-based delivery system for accurate, comprehensive, current, and relevant occupational, post-secondary school and financial aid information.

Technology at the Library

Computer Access

The Highland Park Public Library offers a full selection of computerized tools for every research need. These services include the online library catalog, Internet access for adults and children, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Adobe Acrobat, wireless internet access and a menu of searchable online databases.

Internet Access for Children

Computers in the Children's Room are intended for use by children who are ten years and under. Parents who are in the library with small children may also use the computers in the Children’s Room.

Library Catalog

Look for books from home and at the Library with the Online Catalog. Place holds on books that are not currently checked in, renew your books and review a list of books that you have out or may be overdue.